Water injection pump
Water injection pumps are consist of vertical and horizontal series, and each series has normal pressure typeand boosted pressure type. During the middle or later production phase, Water injection pumps are used on alarge scale in the oilfields, improving and stabilizing the production efficiency. Due to the demands of the lateroilfield production, water needs to be injected into the oil well through water flooding process.
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Product Description
Water injection pumps are consist of vertical and horizontal series, and each series has normal pressure typeand boosted pressure type. During the middle or later production phase, Water injection pumps are used on alarge scale in the oilfields, improving and stabilizing the production efficiency. Due to the demands of the lateroilfield production, water needs to be injected into the oil well through water flooding process.
Vertical Water Injection Pump
Vertical Water Injection Pumps are derived products of ESP equipment, including 387, 400, 513, 538, 562 and675. Each series has normal pressure type and boosted pressure type injection pumps, which are installed at thelower end of the motor. The discharge pressure is ≤25MPa. The range of the flow rate is 150 ~35000 BPD. Theyalso can be designed as per individual demands.
Vertical Water Injection Pumps are featured with steady flow rate, low noise, long service life, easy maintenanceand reliable operating.
Horizontal Water Injection Pump
Horizontal Water Injection Pumps are composed of impellers and diffusers, including 675, 862 and 950 series.
Liquid flows through stages as the pump is running, gradually increasing the water pressure up to the designedvalue. In the meanwhile, it produces a large axial thrust and a sealed type thrust bearing section is uniquelydesigned to withstand this axial force, ensuring the stability and reliability of operating.
The horizontal high pressure water injection pump includes normal pressure mode and boosted pressure mode:
1. Normal pressure mode: intake pressure ≤ 2MPa, discharge pressure ≤ 25MPa; the range of the flow rate is14800~35000 BPD, also can be designed as per individual demands.
2. Boosted pressure mode: intake pressure ≤ 15MPa, discharge pressure ≤ 35MPa; the range of the flow rate is14800~35000 BPD, also can be designed as per individual demands.
The high pressure water injection pump is designed for meeting the requirements of customers both home andabroad, which are featured with steady flow rate, low noise, long service life, easy maintenance and reliableoperating.
The merits of the high pressure water injection pump:
1. The pump is characterized by compact design and steady operating. Water injection rate meets the designedrequirements.
2. The pump is easy to use and maintain, and featured with safe operation.
3. The pump has an automatic control function which regulates intake/discharge pressure and temperature. Thesystem will shut down automatically once the actual parameters are beyond the setting values.

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